Implementations of RUQI therefore MUST conform to relevant requirements specified in those two specifications in addition to the requirements contained within this document.Although now they mostly exist as an aesthetic feature, grids used to serve an important function in windows. Some SOAP message header and body elements described within this document depend on definitions of Web Service Addressing WS-Addressing. Information given in the RUQI IDL is not repeated here where possible. The content of this document focuses on description of SOAP message SOAP 1.2 encoding in detail. This document describes normative rendering of the RUQI-IDL in the framework of the WS-I Basic Profile WS-BP1.0 transport layer. The specification is therefore does not make direct use of existing query languages such as SQL or Xpath that are closely tied to particular implementation technologies but can be implemented using them. It does not require that the internal data is held in OGF-UR format or ever previously existed in this format. RUQI is intended to be applicable to any data repository where a mapping between the internal data format and OGF-UR can be defined.

These are the core web-application support classes that are used to build the rest of the componants. These are the support classes specific to accounting and report generation.
Accounting: The Accounting code module.This is intended to allow complex distributed accounting solutions to be built out of the Grid-SAFE components. This is an additional web-services interface allowing a Grid-SAFE data repository to be queried programatically over the network. SafeRuqi: An implementation of a Resource Usage Query Interface.Any client which adheres to the RUPI specification may use this service to publish usage information.
This component allows usage records represented in the OGF Usage Record format to be uploaded and stored using the Grid-SAFE software framework. SafeRupi: An implementation of the Resource Usage Publishing Interface (RUPI) specification being developed by the RUS working group, a part of the Open Grid Foundation.This code base also comes with a command line tool to allow scripts access to most functions without going through the web interface. A web based interface is presented to allow multiple users to upload records and generate reports. Once stored, complex reports detailing the records may be generated in multiple formats. Allows usage records presented in multiple formats to be persistently stored in a relational database. The current components available under the Grid-SAFE framework are: The structure and interaction of the Grid-SAFE software framework is shown in the following pictures: It comprises of a number of modularised components which may function as separate applications, or be assembled to provide end-to-end applications for monitoring resource use on HPC systems.

Grid-SAFE is a software framework designed to support accounting, reporting and usage monitoring, and resource management on advanced computing facilities.